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Showing posts from June, 2019


For the past week I've been painting our bedroom a deep green color and painting the trim boards white. Painting is a very long process. I am excited to finish it alteady. I'm just about done! I have some signs I really want to make for my bathroom. We chopped down our old fence so now I'm going to repurpose the wood and make signs. I have to have something to do to stay sane! I've never stayed home before it is way different then waking up every day and getting ready for work.  I am excited though because it has made me find different things to fill up the day. After my bedroom is finished I'm going to work on Carmens bedroom. She's going to have a purple room and white trim in it. Then I need to hang up her wall decor, flowers and a sign that says laugh. It is very fitting for her because now I can get her to laugh. The best thing is when she laughs in her sleep, it makes anybody feel happy to see a tiny bambino laughing. So the projects don't stop as ho