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Showing posts from December, 2019

Minnesota Christmas

We drove to Minnesota to be with our family for Christmas day and it was super fun to see our family and friends. I love going to my parents and taking a piping hot sauna. They have a wood fired stove. I saw 8 of my siblings, 2 of my sisters were in Monroe, Washington and 1 of my brothers was in Detroit, Michigan with their spouse's family. We also took all the dogs on some long walks. We all like dogs so whenever we get together there's about 7 dogs running around. The dirt road we walk down is really quiet and it rarely sees a car because there's only about 3 people that live on it I love Minnesota it had a piece of my heart in it. I love the snowy winters, Caribou coffee tastes delicious, and it is always nice to see my family and friends that live there. Also living in Colorado is quite the experience, I've never lived by the mountains before and it is really pretty. We've bought a house here and we're lucky that my husband's job provides for us