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Every month or 2 we go to Idaho to see our family there. It is so pretty in the Western states. I'm so happy we live in Colorado, so I have the privilege to travel very easily since we live in central U.S.A! My husband and I have started to thoroughly enjoy traveling. We just started collecting magnets for the side of our fridge from each state we visit! We've been to Idaho many times also  Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Texas, Wyoming, Iowa, South Dakota, and Nebraska together. One of my dream trips is to travel to most of the Eastern states together as a family. We would also love to travel to Michoacan, Mexico to visit his sister and her son and his grandma. We would love for our daughter to meet the great grandma she's named after!  Our trips to Idaho are always fun and we love the scenery in South Eastern Idaho and have even talked, or dreamed about buying land there. We drive out to the wolverine canyon most visits, and it is an open recreation area to camp, ride A

Baking during Quarantine

It has been so crazy lately. Everything is shut down besides grocery stores and essential businesses in Colorado because of the Coronavirus. Everybody wears masks and gloves to the store and some people wear them when they are driving. We have been staying home forever now. I got a recipe from my sister to make scones. Baking makes the time go by and I love baking. Here is the recipe for scones. It is really quick and a very simple recipe. They tasted delicious fresh out of the oven with butter or you can put jam or whatever you want. 


I really love being a mom and a hands on parent for my daughter. But with that being said it is difficult parenting sometimes. There's always a certain way that people think is the correct way to parent. And everybody has different ways of parenting. Some people don't think it is good to give dairy and cow's milk to their kids, and other people think that it is perfectly fine. I give my daughter a mixture of everything. She has almond milk, oat milk, cow's milk and breast milk. I don't know that it is that someone is right and someone is wrong in what to give your kids. I think ultimately you want to give your child love and attention and fulfill the basic needs that they have. It doesn't accomplish anything to tell another parent that they are doing something wrong because they so somethi ng different than you do. It's better to uplift and motivate people to be the best, positive and loving parent they can be.

Echo Mountain skiing

At the beginning of January I went to Echo Mountain to ski with my friends. It was absolutely amazing. Towards the end of the night it started to get really cold. Echo Mountain is a great place to start out and begin skiing or snowboarding. I have to say it was icy so that was a downfall and all of the runs were not open because there wasn't enough snow. But I would still go back to teach my daughter how to ski because **bonus** kids 5 and under are FREE!💃☀️⛷ I love this saying - "The mountains are calling and I must go." John Muir is credited for writing it in a letter. He was morn in 1838, he was one of America's most famous and influential "outdoor enthusiasts,"  which in his era, were called naturalists. He remains one of California's most important historical personalities and is generally still known today as one of the Father's of our National parks. He once described himself as,  a "poetico-trampo-geologist-botanist and ornithologist-n